Join our network to boost your lead flow. Choose a package, select preferred regions, complete onboarding. In just two weeks, start receiving leads. Our dedicated customer support helps with appointments and closing deals.
We gather leads online from sources like social media, websites, emails, and ads. Interested buyers/sellers provide details through ads, including timeline, area preference, budget, and any other realtor involvement. We double-check their info to make sure they’re a good fit.
Our ISAs contacts the leads using emails, phone calls, or text messages to double-check information like how much they want to spend, when they’re looking to buy/sell, and what kind of property they like. This way, we make sure we’re giving you real potential customers and not wasting your time.
Our ISA checks the lead’s credit and looks at their financial history, including any past money troubles like bankruptcy or foreclosure. This helps us figure out if they’re in good financial shape and if the deal is likely to work out.
Using checked information and looking at their background, we sort the leads into three groups: hot, warm, or cold. Hot leads are ready to close deals, warm leads need nurturing, and cold leads are uninterested or unqualified.
Our ISAs, plays a crucial role in helping lead partners like you organize meetings with the leads. They make sure these leads are a good match for your services and preferences. This not only saves you time but also guarantees that the appointments are meaningful and can lead to productive discussions.
Raferraly employs cutting-edge digital marketing strategies to generate high-quality leads, connecting real estate professionals with prospective clients.